Yoga Asanas to Enhance Immunity

7 Classes (20m 21s)

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About This Class

Immunity is crucial to every individual. Do you want to learn asanas to strengthen your immune system? Ushtrasana, Prasarita Padottanasana and Malasana not only enhance your immunity but also have other benefits like improved digestion, better body posture and flexibility. Sounds interesting? Let's get started!

This course will take you through,

  • Warmups to prepare body for Yoga practice
  • Ushtrasana, The Camel Pose and its benefits
  • Prasarita Padottanasana, The Expanded Leg Intense Stretch Pose and its benefits
  • Malasana, The Garland Pose and its benefits
  • Relaxation by performing Shavasana

Keep Practising these Asanas regularly,

Keep Skilling!

Related skills

Flexibility Range of motion
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