Square and square roots

10 Classes (40m 32s)

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About This Class

Newspaper and online advertisements typically provide the apartment's size in terms of its area, such as 625 square feet, without conveying the dimensions more tangibly. By converting this figure into the form of 25 * 25 square feet using the concept of square roots, one can better understand the actual size of the apartment.

Do you think this is the only application of square root? 

Don't worry! We shall find the answer and many more things in this course. 

With the help of your mentor, you will learn, 

  • Squaring of numbers
  • The square root of a number using the traditional method. 
  • Find the square root using a short trick. 

Hurry up! Click on the course! Enjoy learning! Put all that learning into practice after watching all the videos. Keep Skilling! 

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